Christmas morning we had breakfast and then opened the stockings and presents. The girls scored big this year with lots of presents and I got Jeremy a keg! (for those of you who don't know, a keg is what Jeremy will be using to make homemade sodas like root beer, etc!) He was way excited about it because he has been wanting one since we moved to PA! This was Seamus' first Christmas, so he was a fabulous present. He loved the wrapping paper, so we got a picture of him in the middle of the pile we had made! Sammy & Constance got some dress up stuff and comforters for their beds from the Butlers and they got pajamas and wands from the Purnells. That is just to name a few of the many presents they got!
After calling family to say thanks and wish them a Merry Christmas, we started getting our turkey ready. Jeremy got a free turkey from work when they handed them out at Thanksgiving, which was nice. Since we had been invited to someone's house for Thanksgiving, we decided to use our turkey for Christmas! It was the first time we ever made a big turkey dinner, and it was fabulous! I'm sure it would have been a disaster if Jeremy was not a food science guy, but it turned out to be a wonderfully successful Christmas dinner! We have been eating the leftovers ever since and it looks like we will still need to freeze some turkey for later!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year will be just as great! :)
Our little present :)
Wrapping paper fun
These are the p.j.'s from the Purnells
Dress up stuff from Butlers
He takes after his daddy the old-school way